Volume Converter
Convert between different units of volume including metric (liters, milliliters) and imperial (gallons, cups) measurements.
Common Conversions
1 l= 0.264172 gal
10 l= 2.64172 gal
100 l= 26.4172 gal
1000 l= 264.172 gal
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About Volume Converter
Volume measurements are used for liquids, gases, and three-dimensional spaces. Common systems:
- Metric System: Based on liters and milliliters
- US System: Uses gallons, quarts, cups, and fluid ounces
- Imperial System: Similar to US but with different gallon size
Common Applications
- Cooking and Recipes
- Fuel Measurement
- Beverage Packaging
- Industrial Processes
Conversion Tips
- 1 gallon = 3.785 liters
- 1 liter = 1000 milliliters
- 1 cup = 236.588 milliliters
- 1 tablespoon = 14.787 milliliters
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