Pressure Converter
Convert between different units of pressure including Pascal, bar, PSI, and atmospheres.
Common Conversions
1 kPa= 0.145038 psi
10 kPa= 1.45038 psi
100 kPa= 14.5038 psi
1000 kPa= 145.038 psi
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Pascal to KilopascalPascal to BarPascal to Pounds per Square InchPascal to AtmospheresPascal to Millimeters of MercuryKilopascal to PascalKilopascal to BarKilopascal to Pounds per Square InchKilopascal to AtmospheresKilopascal to Millimeters of MercuryBar to PascalBar to KilopascalBar to Pounds per Square InchBar to AtmospheresBar to Millimeters of MercuryPounds per Square Inch to PascalPounds per Square Inch to KilopascalPounds per Square Inch to BarPounds per Square Inch to AtmospheresPounds per Square Inch to Millimeters of MercuryAtmospheres to PascalAtmospheres to KilopascalAtmospheres to BarAtmospheres to Pounds per Square InchAtmospheres to Millimeters of MercuryMillimeters of Mercury to PascalMillimeters of Mercury to KilopascalMillimeters of Mercury to BarMillimeters of Mercury to Pounds per Square InchMillimeters of Mercury to Atmospheres