Length Converter
Convert between different units of length including metric (meters, kilometers) and imperial (feet, inches) measurements.
Common Conversions
1 m= 3.28084 ft
10 m= 32.8084 ft
100 m= 328.084 ft
1000 m= 3280.84 ft
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About Length Converter
Length measurements are fundamental in both everyday life and scientific applications. The two main systems used are:
- Metric System: Based on the meter, with prefixes indicating multiples of 10 (kilometer, centimeter, etc.)
- Imperial/US System: Uses units like inches, feet, yards, and miles
Common Applications
- Construction and Architecture
- Clothing and Textile Measurements
- Sports (track and field, swimming)
- Navigation and Travel Distances
Conversion Tips
- 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters (exact)
- 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
- 1 mile ≈ 1.609 kilometers
- 1 meter ≈ 3.281 feet
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Meters to KilometersMeters to CentimetersMeters to MillimetersMeters to MicrometersMeters to NanometersMeters to PicometersMeters to DecimetersMeters to DecametersMeters to HectometersMeters to MilesMeters to YardsMeters to FeetMeters to InchesMeters to Nautical MilesMeters to Light YearsMeters to Astronomical UnitsMeters to ParsecsMeters to Thousandths of InchMeters to FathomsMeters to FurlongsMeters to ChainsMeters to RodsMeters to AngstromsMeters to Thousandths of an InchMeters to HandsMeters to SpansMeters to CubitsMeters to LeaguesKilometers to MetersKilometers to CentimetersKilometers to MillimetersKilometers to MicrometersKilometers to NanometersKilometers to PicometersKilometers to DecimetersKilometers to DecametersKilometers to HectometersKilometers to MilesKilometers to YardsKilometers to FeetKilometers to InchesKilometers to Nautical MilesKilometers to Light YearsKilometers to Astronomical UnitsKilometers to ParsecsKilometers to Thousandths of InchKilometers to FathomsKilometers to FurlongsKilometers to ChainsKilometers to RodsKilometers to AngstromsKilometers to Thousandths of an InchKilometers to HandsKilometers to SpansKilometers to CubitsKilometers to LeaguesCentimeters to MetersCentimeters to KilometersCentimeters to MillimetersCentimeters to MicrometersCentimeters to NanometersCentimeters to PicometersCentimeters to DecimetersCentimeters to DecametersCentimeters to HectometersCentimeters to MilesCentimeters to YardsCentimeters to FeetCentimeters to InchesCentimeters to Nautical MilesCentimeters to Light YearsCentimeters to Astronomical UnitsCentimeters to ParsecsCentimeters to Thousandths of InchCentimeters to FathomsCentimeters to FurlongsCentimeters to ChainsCentimeters to RodsCentimeters to AngstromsCentimeters to Thousandths of an InchCentimeters to HandsCentimeters to SpansCentimeters to CubitsCentimeters to LeaguesMillimeters to MetersMillimeters to KilometersMillimeters to CentimetersMillimeters to MicrometersMillimeters to NanometersMillimeters to PicometersMillimeters to DecimetersMillimeters to DecametersMillimeters to HectometersMillimeters to MilesMillimeters to YardsMillimeters to FeetMillimeters to InchesMillimeters to Nautical MilesMillimeters to Light YearsMillimeters to Astronomical UnitsMillimeters to ParsecsMillimeters to Thousandths of InchMillimeters to FathomsMillimeters to FurlongsMillimeters to ChainsMillimeters to RodsMillimeters to AngstromsMillimeters to Thousandths of an InchMillimeters to HandsMillimeters to SpansMillimeters to CubitsMillimeters to LeaguesMicrometers to MetersMicrometers to KilometersMicrometers to CentimetersMicrometers to MillimetersMicrometers to NanometersMicrometers to PicometersMicrometers to DecimetersMicrometers to DecametersMicrometers to HectometersMicrometers to MilesMicrometers to YardsMicrometers to FeetMicrometers to InchesMicrometers to Nautical MilesMicrometers to Light YearsMicrometers to Astronomical UnitsMicrometers to ParsecsMicrometers to Thousandths of InchMicrometers to FathomsMicrometers to FurlongsMicrometers to ChainsMicrometers to RodsMicrometers to AngstromsMicrometers to Thousandths of an InchMicrometers to HandsMicrometers to SpansMicrometers to CubitsMicrometers to LeaguesNanometers to MetersNanometers to KilometersNanometers to CentimetersNanometers to MillimetersNanometers to MicrometersNanometers to PicometersNanometers to DecimetersNanometers to DecametersNanometers to HectometersNanometers to MilesNanometers to YardsNanometers to FeetNanometers to InchesNanometers to Nautical MilesNanometers to Light YearsNanometers to Astronomical UnitsNanometers to ParsecsNanometers to Thousandths of InchNanometers to FathomsNanometers to FurlongsNanometers to ChainsNanometers to RodsNanometers to AngstromsNanometers to Thousandths of an InchNanometers to HandsNanometers to SpansNanometers to CubitsNanometers to LeaguesPicometers to MetersPicometers to KilometersPicometers to CentimetersPicometers to MillimetersPicometers to MicrometersPicometers to NanometersPicometers to DecimetersPicometers to DecametersPicometers to HectometersPicometers to MilesPicometers to YardsPicometers to FeetPicometers to InchesPicometers to Nautical MilesPicometers to Light YearsPicometers to Astronomical UnitsPicometers to ParsecsPicometers to Thousandths of InchPicometers to FathomsPicometers to FurlongsPicometers to ChainsPicometers to RodsPicometers to AngstromsPicometers to Thousandths of an InchPicometers to HandsPicometers to SpansPicometers to CubitsPicometers to LeaguesDecimeters to MetersDecimeters to KilometersDecimeters to CentimetersDecimeters to MillimetersDecimeters to MicrometersDecimeters to NanometersDecimeters to PicometersDecimeters to DecametersDecimeters to HectometersDecimeters to MilesDecimeters to YardsDecimeters to FeetDecimeters to InchesDecimeters to Nautical MilesDecimeters to Light YearsDecimeters to Astronomical UnitsDecimeters to ParsecsDecimeters to Thousandths of InchDecimeters to FathomsDecimeters to FurlongsDecimeters to ChainsDecimeters to RodsDecimeters to AngstromsDecimeters to Thousandths of an InchDecimeters to HandsDecimeters to SpansDecimeters to CubitsDecimeters to LeaguesDecameters to MetersDecameters to KilometersDecameters to CentimetersDecameters to MillimetersDecameters to MicrometersDecameters to NanometersDecameters to PicometersDecameters to DecimetersDecameters to HectometersDecameters to MilesDecameters to YardsDecameters to FeetDecameters to InchesDecameters to Nautical MilesDecameters to Light YearsDecameters to Astronomical UnitsDecameters to ParsecsDecameters to Thousandths of InchDecameters to FathomsDecameters to FurlongsDecameters to ChainsDecameters to RodsDecameters to AngstromsDecameters to Thousandths of an InchDecameters to HandsDecameters to SpansDecameters to CubitsDecameters to LeaguesHectometers to MetersHectometers to KilometersHectometers to CentimetersHectometers to MillimetersHectometers to MicrometersHectometers to NanometersHectometers to PicometersHectometers to DecimetersHectometers to DecametersHectometers to MilesHectometers to YardsHectometers to FeetHectometers to InchesHectometers to Nautical MilesHectometers to Light YearsHectometers to Astronomical UnitsHectometers to ParsecsHectometers to Thousandths of InchHectometers to FathomsHectometers to FurlongsHectometers to ChainsHectometers to RodsHectometers to AngstromsHectometers to Thousandths of an InchHectometers to HandsHectometers to SpansHectometers to CubitsHectometers to LeaguesMiles to MetersMiles to KilometersMiles to CentimetersMiles to MillimetersMiles to MicrometersMiles to NanometersMiles to PicometersMiles to DecimetersMiles to DecametersMiles to HectometersMiles to YardsMiles to FeetMiles to InchesMiles to Nautical MilesMiles to Light YearsMiles to Astronomical UnitsMiles to ParsecsMiles to Thousandths of InchMiles to FathomsMiles to FurlongsMiles to ChainsMiles to RodsMiles to AngstromsMiles to Thousandths of an InchMiles to HandsMiles to SpansMiles to CubitsMiles to LeaguesYards to MetersYards to KilometersYards to CentimetersYards to MillimetersYards to MicrometersYards to NanometersYards to PicometersYards to DecimetersYards to DecametersYards to HectometersYards to MilesYards to FeetYards to InchesYards to Nautical MilesYards to Light YearsYards to Astronomical UnitsYards to ParsecsYards to Thousandths of InchYards to FathomsYards to FurlongsYards to ChainsYards to RodsYards to AngstromsYards to Thousandths of an InchYards to HandsYards to SpansYards to CubitsYards to LeaguesFeet to MetersFeet to KilometersFeet to CentimetersFeet to MillimetersFeet to MicrometersFeet to NanometersFeet to PicometersFeet to DecimetersFeet to DecametersFeet to HectometersFeet to MilesFeet to YardsFeet to InchesFeet to Nautical MilesFeet to Light YearsFeet to Astronomical UnitsFeet to ParsecsFeet to Thousandths of InchFeet to FathomsFeet to FurlongsFeet to ChainsFeet to RodsFeet to AngstromsFeet to Thousandths of an InchFeet to HandsFeet to SpansFeet to CubitsFeet to LeaguesInches to MetersInches to KilometersInches to CentimetersInches to MillimetersInches to MicrometersInches to NanometersInches to PicometersInches to DecimetersInches to DecametersInches to HectometersInches to MilesInches to YardsInches to FeetInches to Nautical MilesInches to Light YearsInches to Astronomical UnitsInches to ParsecsInches to Thousandths of InchInches to FathomsInches to FurlongsInches to ChainsInches to RodsInches to AngstromsInches to Thousandths of an InchInches to HandsInches to SpansInches to CubitsInches to LeaguesNautical Miles to MetersNautical Miles to KilometersNautical Miles to CentimetersNautical Miles to MillimetersNautical Miles to MicrometersNautical Miles to NanometersNautical Miles to PicometersNautical Miles to DecimetersNautical Miles to DecametersNautical Miles to HectometersNautical Miles to MilesNautical Miles to YardsNautical Miles to FeetNautical Miles to InchesNautical Miles to Light YearsNautical Miles to Astronomical UnitsNautical Miles to ParsecsNautical Miles to Thousandths of InchNautical Miles to FathomsNautical Miles to FurlongsNautical Miles to ChainsNautical Miles to RodsNautical Miles to AngstromsNautical Miles to Thousandths of an InchNautical Miles to HandsNautical Miles to SpansNautical Miles to CubitsNautical Miles to LeaguesLight Years to MetersLight Years to KilometersLight Years to CentimetersLight Years to MillimetersLight Years to MicrometersLight Years to NanometersLight Years to PicometersLight Years to DecimetersLight Years to DecametersLight Years to HectometersLight Years to MilesLight Years to YardsLight Years to FeetLight Years to InchesLight Years to Nautical MilesLight Years to Astronomical UnitsLight Years to ParsecsLight Years to Thousandths of InchLight Years to FathomsLight Years to FurlongsLight Years to ChainsLight Years to RodsLight Years to AngstromsLight Years to Thousandths of an InchLight Years to HandsLight Years to SpansLight Years to CubitsLight Years to LeaguesAstronomical Units to MetersAstronomical Units to KilometersAstronomical Units to CentimetersAstronomical Units to MillimetersAstronomical Units to MicrometersAstronomical Units to NanometersAstronomical Units to PicometersAstronomical Units to DecimetersAstronomical Units to DecametersAstronomical Units to HectometersAstronomical Units to MilesAstronomical Units to YardsAstronomical Units to FeetAstronomical Units to InchesAstronomical Units to Nautical MilesAstronomical Units to Light YearsAstronomical Units to ParsecsAstronomical Units to Thousandths of InchAstronomical Units to FathomsAstronomical Units to FurlongsAstronomical Units to ChainsAstronomical Units to RodsAstronomical Units to AngstromsAstronomical Units to Thousandths of an InchAstronomical Units to HandsAstronomical Units to SpansAstronomical Units to CubitsAstronomical Units to LeaguesParsecs to MetersParsecs to KilometersParsecs to CentimetersParsecs to MillimetersParsecs to MicrometersParsecs to NanometersParsecs to PicometersParsecs to DecimetersParsecs to DecametersParsecs to HectometersParsecs to MilesParsecs to YardsParsecs to FeetParsecs to InchesParsecs to Nautical MilesParsecs to Light YearsParsecs to Astronomical UnitsParsecs to Thousandths of InchParsecs to FathomsParsecs to FurlongsParsecs to ChainsParsecs to RodsParsecs to AngstromsParsecs to Thousandths of an InchParsecs to HandsParsecs to SpansParsecs to CubitsParsecs to LeaguesThousandths of Inch to MetersThousandths of Inch to KilometersThousandths of Inch to CentimetersThousandths of Inch to MillimetersThousandths of Inch to MicrometersThousandths of Inch to NanometersThousandths of Inch to PicometersThousandths of Inch to DecimetersThousandths of Inch to DecametersThousandths of Inch to HectometersThousandths of Inch to MilesThousandths of Inch to YardsThousandths of Inch to FeetThousandths of Inch to InchesThousandths of Inch to Nautical MilesThousandths of Inch to Light YearsThousandths of Inch to Astronomical UnitsThousandths of Inch to ParsecsThousandths of Inch to FathomsThousandths of Inch to FurlongsThousandths of Inch to ChainsThousandths of Inch to RodsThousandths of Inch to AngstromsThousandths of Inch to Thousandths of an InchThousandths of Inch to HandsThousandths of Inch to SpansThousandths of Inch to CubitsThousandths of Inch to LeaguesFathoms to MetersFathoms to KilometersFathoms to CentimetersFathoms to MillimetersFathoms to MicrometersFathoms to NanometersFathoms to PicometersFathoms to DecimetersFathoms to DecametersFathoms to HectometersFathoms to MilesFathoms to YardsFathoms to FeetFathoms to InchesFathoms to Nautical MilesFathoms to Light YearsFathoms to Astronomical UnitsFathoms to ParsecsFathoms to Thousandths of InchFathoms to FurlongsFathoms to ChainsFathoms to RodsFathoms to AngstromsFathoms to Thousandths of an InchFathoms to HandsFathoms to SpansFathoms to CubitsFathoms to LeaguesFurlongs to MetersFurlongs to KilometersFurlongs to CentimetersFurlongs to MillimetersFurlongs to MicrometersFurlongs to NanometersFurlongs to PicometersFurlongs to DecimetersFurlongs to DecametersFurlongs to HectometersFurlongs to MilesFurlongs to YardsFurlongs to FeetFurlongs to InchesFurlongs to Nautical MilesFurlongs to Light YearsFurlongs to Astronomical UnitsFurlongs to ParsecsFurlongs to Thousandths of InchFurlongs to FathomsFurlongs to ChainsFurlongs to RodsFurlongs to AngstromsFurlongs to Thousandths of an InchFurlongs to HandsFurlongs to SpansFurlongs to CubitsFurlongs to LeaguesChains to MetersChains to KilometersChains to CentimetersChains to MillimetersChains to MicrometersChains to NanometersChains to PicometersChains to DecimetersChains to DecametersChains to HectometersChains to MilesChains to YardsChains to FeetChains to InchesChains to Nautical MilesChains to Light YearsChains to Astronomical UnitsChains to ParsecsChains to Thousandths of InchChains to FathomsChains to FurlongsChains to RodsChains to AngstromsChains to Thousandths of an InchChains to HandsChains to SpansChains to CubitsChains to LeaguesRods to MetersRods to KilometersRods to CentimetersRods to MillimetersRods to MicrometersRods to NanometersRods to PicometersRods to DecimetersRods to DecametersRods to HectometersRods to MilesRods to YardsRods to FeetRods to InchesRods to Nautical MilesRods to Light YearsRods to Astronomical UnitsRods to ParsecsRods to Thousandths of InchRods to FathomsRods to FurlongsRods to ChainsRods to AngstromsRods to Thousandths of an InchRods to HandsRods to SpansRods to CubitsRods to LeaguesAngstroms to MetersAngstroms to KilometersAngstroms to CentimetersAngstroms to MillimetersAngstroms to MicrometersAngstroms to NanometersAngstroms to PicometersAngstroms to DecimetersAngstroms to DecametersAngstroms to HectometersAngstroms to MilesAngstroms to YardsAngstroms to FeetAngstroms to InchesAngstroms to Nautical MilesAngstroms to Light YearsAngstroms to Astronomical UnitsAngstroms to ParsecsAngstroms to Thousandths of InchAngstroms to FathomsAngstroms to FurlongsAngstroms to ChainsAngstroms to RodsAngstroms to Thousandths of an InchAngstroms to HandsAngstroms to SpansAngstroms to CubitsAngstroms to LeaguesThousandths of an Inch to MetersThousandths of an Inch to KilometersThousandths of an Inch to CentimetersThousandths of an Inch to MillimetersThousandths of an Inch to MicrometersThousandths of an Inch to NanometersThousandths of an Inch to PicometersThousandths of an Inch to DecimetersThousandths of an Inch to DecametersThousandths of an Inch to HectometersThousandths of an Inch to MilesThousandths of an Inch to YardsThousandths of an Inch to FeetThousandths of an Inch to InchesThousandths of an Inch to Nautical MilesThousandths of an Inch to Light YearsThousandths of an Inch to Astronomical UnitsThousandths of an Inch to ParsecsThousandths of an Inch to Thousandths of InchThousandths of an Inch to FathomsThousandths of an Inch to FurlongsThousandths of an Inch to ChainsThousandths of an Inch to RodsThousandths of an Inch to AngstromsThousandths of an Inch to HandsThousandths of an Inch to SpansThousandths of an Inch to CubitsThousandths of an Inch to LeaguesHands to MetersHands to KilometersHands to CentimetersHands to MillimetersHands to MicrometersHands to NanometersHands to PicometersHands to DecimetersHands to DecametersHands to HectometersHands to MilesHands to YardsHands to FeetHands to InchesHands to Nautical MilesHands to Light YearsHands to Astronomical UnitsHands to ParsecsHands to Thousandths of InchHands to FathomsHands to FurlongsHands to ChainsHands to RodsHands to AngstromsHands to Thousandths of an InchHands to SpansHands to CubitsHands to LeaguesSpans to MetersSpans to KilometersSpans to CentimetersSpans to MillimetersSpans to MicrometersSpans to NanometersSpans to PicometersSpans to DecimetersSpans to DecametersSpans to HectometersSpans to MilesSpans to YardsSpans to FeetSpans to InchesSpans to Nautical MilesSpans to Light YearsSpans to Astronomical UnitsSpans to ParsecsSpans to Thousandths of InchSpans to FathomsSpans to FurlongsSpans to ChainsSpans to RodsSpans to AngstromsSpans to Thousandths of an InchSpans to HandsSpans to CubitsSpans to LeaguesCubits to MetersCubits to KilometersCubits to CentimetersCubits to MillimetersCubits to MicrometersCubits to NanometersCubits to PicometersCubits to DecimetersCubits to DecametersCubits to HectometersCubits to MilesCubits to YardsCubits to FeetCubits to InchesCubits to Nautical MilesCubits to Light YearsCubits to Astronomical UnitsCubits to ParsecsCubits to Thousandths of InchCubits to FathomsCubits to FurlongsCubits to ChainsCubits to RodsCubits to AngstromsCubits to Thousandths of an InchCubits to HandsCubits to SpansCubits to LeaguesLeagues to MetersLeagues to KilometersLeagues to CentimetersLeagues to MillimetersLeagues to MicrometersLeagues to NanometersLeagues to PicometersLeagues to DecimetersLeagues to DecametersLeagues to HectometersLeagues to MilesLeagues to YardsLeagues to FeetLeagues to InchesLeagues to Nautical MilesLeagues to Light YearsLeagues to Astronomical UnitsLeagues to ParsecsLeagues to Thousandths of InchLeagues to FathomsLeagues to FurlongsLeagues to ChainsLeagues to RodsLeagues to AngstromsLeagues to Thousandths of an InchLeagues to HandsLeagues to SpansLeagues to Cubits