Area Converter

Convert between different units of area including metric (square meters, hectares) and imperial (square feet, acres) measurements.

Common Conversions

1 = 10.7639 ft²
10 = 107.639 ft²
100 = 1076.39 ft²
1000 = 10763.9 ft²

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About Area Converter

Area measurements are used to quantify two-dimensional spaces. Key systems include:

  • Metric System: Based on square meters and hectares
  • Imperial/US System: Uses square feet, square yards, and acres

Common Uses

  • Real Estate and Property
  • Agriculture and Farming
  • Construction Planning
  • Interior Design

Conversion Tips

  • 1 square meter = 10.764 square feet
  • 1 acre = 43,560 square feet
  • 1 hectare = 10,000 square meters
  • 1 square mile = 640 acres

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